Auditions for Cadence Chamber Choir and Women's Chorale are the first Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each semester in the Choir Room/Recital Hall (M147). Sign-up sheet for audition times is located on Dr. Huff's board (M103).
Cadence chamber choir (audition required)
women's chorale (audition required)
Don't want to audition? Enroll in A Capella Choir instead. (CRN: 1350)
a capella choir (NO AUDITION REQUIRED)
Questions: Contact Dr. Michael Huff
Snow Rock Band (including Spotlight) auditions are held the first Friday of Fall semester at 2:30 pm at the West Campus Recording Studio. Be prepared with two songs from the set list (You may only do one). Please be there 15 - 20 minutes early. Amps will be provided. Sign-up sheet will be on the bulletin board by the Band/Orchestra room (M140).
Set List:
Questions: Contact Prof. Ben Harris
Placement & Clinic: Fall Semester (Band Room M140)
Who's invited:
Questions: Contact Dr. Christopher Nelson
Ensemble Audition Information for Woodwinds and Brass
Unless specified by the specific studio faculty, students auditioning for Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Badger Band should prepare 2 contrasting solo/etudes (one technical and one lyrical). They should be prepared to sight-read and play scales.
Ensemble Audition Information for Percussion/Drum Set
Percussion students auditioning for Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band should prepare one etude or solo on snare drum, and one etude or solo on a mallet instrument. These can be selected from a solo/etude collection, or a solo that the student has previously performed. Students should also be prepared to sight-read on their choice of mallets, snare, or timpani. Percussion/Drum Set students wishing to participate in Big Band, Jazz Combos, Rhythm Section, or Badger Band should be prepared to demonstrate various groove/style patterns (including swing, latin, funk, rock, etc.), and sight-read a given tune.
Students wishing to participate in Big Band or Jazz Combos must complete a regular band audition for Wind Ensemble/Symphonic Band. In addition, jazz students should be prepared to play the melody and improvise on "Out of Nowhere" by Johnny Green. (Sheet music provided outside M107 or download from link below. A play-along track will be provided at the audition.) A short sight-reading excerpt will also be provided at the audition.
To sign up for a specific time, the days and times will be posted on the bulletin board by the band/orchestra room (M140)
Piano, Guitar, Bass and Vocalists will all sign up for auditions on the Jazz-Only signup sheets on the bulletin board by the band/orchestra room (M140) . Those auditions will be held on Friday, January 10 in Steve Erickson's office (M107).
Questions: Contact Dr. Christopher Nelson
Students who wish to play with the Symphony Orchestra should plan to attend class on the first day of school from 2:30 - 4:20 pm in the Band/Orchestra room (M140). Students should bring their instruments and be ready to sight-read some exciting and enjoyable music. The audition process will be explained at that time.
Questions: Contact Dr. Brent Smith